
Blendingbrighttones!..Allmeldedtogether!...Cover the rim of DmirtyStepanoff’s Big-star-seven tentacles pull from everywhere!!..Stepanoff pulling colors and shades from all walks of the wonderful glorious picture psyched to be there colors mixing and melding and BOOM! Explosion mixes tones more but tentacles pull them all in again the viewer sees the big picture: a ravenousrainbow of brightexcitingcolors but at a closer look the individual quicklyandgloriously finds. Each. Of. The. Colors. By. Themselves. Discovering! new colors the eye hasn’t seen yet but then zooms out and all-the-colors-meld-together-once-again.. parts calm and still remain.. the rest of the painting is being pulled in by forces of energy each color showing stress-pressure -things making life more-exciting-more-colorful, hectic-ness positiveandnegative of life is conveyed through the busy and “shhhhhh”… calm parts of Big-star-five each parts of the painting eventually melding together making each brushstroke part of the big picture making each vivid color only part of a whole much like many small events in the course of a lifetime may all seem unimportant but they pull together to form someone’s story in this paniting it all mixes and little parts can be seen but don’t matter everything is part of the big.picture.

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